
  • Published more than 30+ papers on public health and how digital tools can impact it, with more than 100+ citations.

  • Invited to the congressional hearings for deploying contact tracing apps

  • The first company to launch EN app in the US

  • Released the EN solution in more than 5 states and in active conversation with "n" more.

  • Awards for Digital Pandemic Response Work

    • Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Emergency Response For The Health Care System Innovation Challenge Finalist

    • Facebook COVID-19 Symptom Data Challenge Finalist

    • NIST Bluetooth Data Challenge 1st Round Winner

    • Top 10 models in the Xprize Pandemic Response Challenge

  • Talk at NIST Challenges for Digital Proximity Detection in Pandemics Event

  • Host of convening events for COVID-19 digital solutions ( and (

  • Largest open source privacy-focused volunteer organization for COVID-19 digital solutions.



Finalist, The COVID-19 Symptom Data Challenge

(Top 5)

Facebook, CMU, UMD

[Link to the Announcement page]

Finalist, COVID-19 Pandemic Response Competition

XPRIZE, Cognizant

[Link to the Announcement Page]

Winner, Round 1 of Bluetooth Data Challenge and invited talk on Challenges of DCT

NIST, US Dept. of Commerce

2nd Place, Emergency Response For The HealthCare System Innovation Challenge

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

[Link to the Announcement Page]

US Congressional Testimony for Contact Tracing

Ramesh Raskar

July 2020

[Link to US House Committee]

Last updated